29 - GSA Advantage Order Status - PO Portal

GSA is adding a new requirement for all MAS contract holders who sell products.  Hop in to the episode to learn about the PO Portal and how to keep your contract in compliance!

As always, if you have any questions, or requests for a future episode, please feel free to reach out to us at podcast@elevategsa.com.  

Or if you’d like direct support from a GSA consultant to help with a specific project, reach out to us at info@elevategsa.com.

Episode Notes:

For more episodes: www.elevategsa.com/podcast

Helpful Links:

PO Portal - poportal.gsa.gov/

PO Portal FAQ and Help - gsaadvantage.gov/images/products/elib/pdf_files/pohp.pdf

PO Portal Video Walkthrough - youtu.be/9KXEEe4uWK8

For further technical support, contact the VSC help center staff at 877-495-4849 or email vendor.support@gsa.gov

 If you’re using EDI, contact edistat@gsa.gov for additional training and questions.

Additional Questions? Email advantageorderstatus@gsa.gov.