Posts tagged SINs
What are Subgroups?

GSA rolled out a new feature inside of eBuy, on August 1, 2020 which caused considerable confusion inside the GSA community and understandably so! This new feature is titled “subgroups”, which can be chosen for the SINs currently awarded to your contract inside eBuy. These will provide more specifics about the services or offerings your contract provides. Amidst the new consolidation, many SINs have been crunched together to create very broad mega SINs which can be a little too vague for purchasing officers to pin down which company actually provides what they need. These subgroups cut down on some of that confusion, and this information will be posted inside eBuy and eLibrary for market research purposes.

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What is the MAS Consolidation?

The MAS Consolidation has left many vendors confused- and rightfully so! There were a lot of changes that happened very quickly, so let’s break this down. GSA took the previously existing 24 separate GSA schedules (which were broken down by industry- Professional Services, Information Technology, etc.) and combined them into one all inclusive schedule. All previously existing SINs have been completely overhauled as well to a new system that more closely matches NAICS codes. Some SINs were given just a facelift with a new number and title, while others have been combined, or deleted altogether. If you are curious what legacy SINs were mapped to, or what new SINs you might be interested in adding to your schedule, you can look up GSA’s crosswalk here.

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